Are we alone in the universe? UCLA-SETI PROJECT

Nando Carmona, an astrobiologist in Madrid, Spain, who helps moderate the project platform and has classified more than 6,000 radio signals, said in an emailed statement that he is motivated by the search for other possible life inside and outside the solar system.
He added in the statement that discovering an extraterrestrial signal could have a remarkable influence on religions, cultures and societies.
“It would be something so impressive that it would be a before and after in the history of humanity,” Carmona said in the statement.
A civilization would have to be more advanced than humans’ to send a radio wave far enough to reach Earth, Li said. She added that she believes technological advancement in human society has been hindered by political and interpersonal issues, and so a more advanced society could potentially share methods to improve the welfare of humanity and the planet.

Sobre Mí

Sobre el autor

Mi pasión comienza cuando tenía 18 años y mi padre me regala mi primer pequeño telescopio para observar la luna y las estrellas. Mi ilusión es tan grande que me integro en varias asociaciones astronómicas y poco a poco me voy especializando en observación y fotografía planetaria con telescopios cada vez más potentes.

Tras estudiar y formarme en Caltech ( 2014 – 2015); The University of Edimburgh (2016 – 2017);  Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos (2018) y Planetario de Madrid ( 2019),  me oriento hacia la astronomía y astrobiología. Experto en fotografía planetaria.

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